Cubs – 8 to 10½ years

Being a Cub is all about growing and learning in small but mighty ways. Every week they’ll go on adventures and learn new skills – achieving anything they set their minds to, and having lots of fun along the way.

You will get a chance to try lots of different activities like climbing, martial arts, navigation, music, nature, computing, problem solving, teamwork and collecting.

Develop new skills and make new friends

Sign up right away or get in touch to find out more. We currently have a waiting list for Cubs but we’ll be in touch to confirm your details and then we’ll let you know when you’re at the top of the list.

Alternatively there are loads of other Cub Packs in Cheltenham which may have some spaces available now.

Cub Scouting is not School! Here you learn life skills that you will use for the rest of your life, there are no exams, you just need to be willing to take part and do your best!

Cub Scouts learn “life skills”, like – cooking, tying knots, communication, problem solving, map and compass work and first-aid. Find out more about the activities we do on the national scouts website.

Cub Scouts earn badges for the activities that they take part in and the challenges that they complete as they work towards the Chief Scout’s Silver Award, before moving up to Scouts at the age of ten and a half.

Find out more about the Cub Scout awards on the national website.

At Bethesda we have so many young people that we’ve split our Cub section into two Packs, one meets on Monday evenings and the other on Thursday evenings.

Monday Cubs
Meets: 6:30pm to 8:00pm
Steve, Akela (Sam),
Clara and Tim
Thursday Cubs
Meets: 6:30pm to 8:00pm
Akela (Will), Hathi (Philip),
Keneu (Richard), Raksha (Tams)

Whilst we try to accommodate your preferred day, this may not always be possible due to our section size planning, and availability of adult volunteers to run a safe and adventurous programme.

Here at Bethesda we try to get the Cub Scouts involved with District and County Events. The highlight of the year are our annual Cub Camps and Pack Holidays, where the Cubs get to go away for a weekend with the Leaders and have even more fun and practice their new found skills.

Most of all being involved in Cub Scouting means lots of fun and teamwork!

Each cub pack is split into smaller groups called “Sixes”. We have 3 regular adult volunteer leaders, an active parent rota, and often the support of Young Leaders on their DofE scheme or Scouts Young Leader scheme.

In addition to meeting at Bethesda Church, we also make use of a variety of local outdoor locations (urban and semi-rural), depending on our goals for the term.